A rare Black Leopard has been sighted in South Africa… the first time since 2013!
South Africa (27 February 2020) – On the 24th of February, the news broke about a rare African Black (melanistic) Leopard sighting. The last time one was seen, was during 2013. In fact, there have only been 30 sightings from 1952 to 2013.
The beautiful Leopard was seen in a location that is being kept secret to protect it. According to the Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation, the Department of Nature Conservation and one of South Africa’s leading leopard and carnivore experts reviewed video footage of the animal sighted and confirmed that it was indeed a Black Leopard. It was sighted near a residential area.

Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation started raising funds to set up cameras in the wilds where the animal was sighted. They asked for help and have already been able to buy and install two hidden cameras.
“We will be installing 3 trail cameras in the bush to monitor the Leopard’s movements so that further action can be taken to protect it if necessary.”
The only thing the cameras will be doing is checking that the Leopard isn’t in harm’s way and to ensure that it leaves the suburban area where it was last seen. Human intervention will not be necessary unless an emergency occurs.
Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation need one more camera to assist in their monitoring of the Leopard. If you would like to assist them, you can find out more here.