
Mapimpan is an 8-year-old lion with a roar that will chill your bones! He is an inspiration because he was rescued as a cub and now lives a marvellous life free from harm.


A video of a rescued lion roaring was recently shared online to the Wild Hearts Wildlife Foundation Facebook page. After watching it, we were left with an incredible sensation of chills through our bodies.

The roar rattles and wakes you, makes you feel passionate about saving and protecting these mighty mammals.

Mapimpan was rescued from the roadside, near-death after a male lion killed all his siblings. He was taken to a sanctuary that has very strict policies regarding animal care, handling and human interaction. Because he was taken to this specific sanctuary, he has been spared a life that would have led to him being hunted.

Instead, he roams free like the king he is!

Take a look at the video below.

CJ Carrington shared the video with us, she is one of the founding members of the Wild Hearts Wildlife Foundation. She said,

Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation is blessed to have been able to film this gorgeous boy, singing us the song of his people.

This is Mapimpan, he is an 8 year old lion who was rescued as a tiny cub after an adult male lion killed all his siblings. He was found near the road in the Wildlife Reserve, close to death.

Mapimpan was rescued, healed and grew into one of the best-looking lions alive today.

As he will never be able to go back into the wild, he is now living in a huge area, happy as he can possibly be, and with no human interaction, aside from when he is sedated for Veterinary care.

He will never be hunted or exploited by humans; instead he serves as an icon of what we need to fight for. How many of us will even be able to witness a site like this, ever?

Mapimpan is just one of the hundreds of wild animals that directly benefit from the work we do at Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation. We call it Ethical Conservation.

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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