Watch as thousands of geese take off in simultaneous flight across a lake in Canada creating a mesmerising scene and deafening sound.
Footage taken at Lake Massawippi in Ayer’s Cliff in Quebec shows ten thousand snow geese taking off in simultaneous flight.
For ten years the snow geese have been abandoning the sandbars of the St. Lawrence River. Attracted by nearby corn crops and by its watershed, several thousand now make Lake Massawippi a stop on their fall migration route.
For about fifteen days each November, clouds of snow geese crisscross the west end of the lake as they recharge before continuing on their voyage. Passersby are compelled to stop to take in the impressive spectacle, and the shores of the Plage des Pères and Camping Massawippi fill with photographers.
Although their increasing number could become worrisome, there is no substitute for the sense of freedom and beauty evoked by the sight of thousands of these elegant birds flying under the autumn sun.
“We are fortunate to have Snow Geese stop over on Lake Massawippi on their migration South in the fall. I was at the lake taking pictures of them when I realized there was going to be a massive take-off from the lake and was lucky enough to capture it on video.”
Watch the video below: