Facebook Find Wi-Fi
Photo Credit: On File

Facebook has launched a new tool that enables a person to see all the free Wi-Fi hotspots in a specific area. The Find Wi-Fi tool has been launched globally!


The new tool will change the way people travel and eat out. While free Wi-Fi has been around for some time now and many places offer the service, there has never a been a concise list available. The list shows every establishment within a specific area.

We launched Find Wi-Fi in a handful of countries last year and found it’s not only helpful for people who are traveling or on-the-go, but especially useful in areas where cellular data is scarce.

Someone seeking a connection simply logs onto their Facebook App. Then heads over to the ‘Find Wi-Fi’ tool and gets to see all the places around them. Each place is a beacon, a person can click on the beacon and the tool provides the Facebook page information or an option to receive directions to this place.

To find Wi-Fi hotspots, open your Facebook app, click on the “More” tab and then “Find Wi-Fi.” Once in the “Find Wi-Fi” tab you may need to turn it on. You can then browse the closest available hotspots on a map, and learn more about the businesses hosting them.

The tool allows for the user to toggle between a list and map version of the Wi-Fi hotspots. Every place that has listed free Wi-Fi on their Facebook page will feature on the map.

Watch the video below to get a better idea on how it all works. Happy Browsing!

Sources: Facebook Newsroom
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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