Photo Credit: Cluny Animal Trust

Brave swimmers took the plunge into icy Free State waters this weekend in the hopes of raising funds for animal welfare in the province.


Free State, South Africa (03 July 2023) – Polar plunge challenges are all the rage these days as they push people to go way beyond their comfort zone in the name of charity. This was the case for a few Free State residents, who took the plunge this weekend to help raise funds for the Cluny Animal Trust.

As it is winter, those waters in the Free State are mighty chilly. The 2023 Polar Bear Plunge was “epic” according to the Cluny team. Fifteen people took part in the challenge this year, jumping off the jetty and swimming back to shore where warm towels, drinks and cheering crowds waited. It took place at Arpa Dam in Fouriesburg.

“Fundraisers are important to any welfare, and we are blessed with a handful of fantastic fundraising events, which each year get bigger and better and yesterday was no exception!

The day was amazing, we had gorgeous sunny weather and we would like to say a very big thank you to all the brave swimmers that took part! Our Polar Bear Plunge is about doing something many consider a little crazy, but it is being done for animal veterinary welfare and those two elements combined made for a magical day! Thanks to Judy, Stephen, Sebastian, Aiden, Feya, Dr Elsa, Clive, Sasha, Danielle, Shaun, Yvette, Bez, Gaby, Bev and Leo for braving the cold water to raise funds and support out work!

We would like to single out our very own Dr Elsa, she was the first one into the dam yesterday and she even went back into the water to help a lady finish, she truly is an amazing woman, vet, friend, and mother! Also, a very big thank you to everyone who sponsored her!”

Funds raised will be used in caring for the animals within the Clarens, Fouriesburg and surrounding areas. A huge amount of pet food was also donated on the day, so they will also be able to supply it to families in need. A fun day was had by all but the fun isn’t over. The organisation plans to do a few more fundraising events this year so be sure to follow them on Facebook for more information.

You can check out all the updates from the event as well as photos of the brave swimmers here.

Photo Credit: Cluny Animal Trust

Sources: Cluny Animal Trust
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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