Family Hygge
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This International Day of Families, you can spend quality time with your family at home doing a variety of activities together.


South Africa (11 May 2021) – We have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, even Children’s Day in some countries around the world. But what about a Family Day — a day where we can celebrate and appreciate all members of the family in one day?

Well, there is a day for that, too, and it’s called International Day of Families. It’s held on May 15th every year, and is a great way to celebrate our own families and families around the world. While it’s not a public holiday, the day celebrates the importance of families of all kinds, as well as people, society, and cultures around the world. Its aim is to raise awareness of issues relating to families across the globe, while giving attention to the fact that families are the basic unit of a society.

Here are a few ways you can celebrate the day with your family.

Spend the night with the family

Spending time with your family will always be worthwhile. Whether you spend it going out to dinner or spending the night indoors catching up on your favourite series. You could also use this time to just catch up with one another, tell each other about your week and your plans going forward.

Cook up a meal together

Get the kids involved in making dinner. This might make the process a little longer but in addition to helping get your kids familiar in the kitchen, it gives you a fun opportunity to spend time together. Sooner or later they’ll be the ones serving up dinner for the family to enjoy.

Serve others

Find a way to help someone else as a family. Do you have an elderly neighbor that needs help pulling weeds? Do you know someone who just had a baby who would appreciate a meal? Make the meal together as a family and bring it over to them. Alternatively, you could also help make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate by supporting one of the many worthy causes on the Relate Bracelets website.  In these unprecedented times, small actions add up to make a big difference.

Have a games night

One way to have a great night in with the family is to take out your board games and get competitive! No better way to have a good time than gathering those around you and playing some games. Don’t own any games? A deck of cards can go a long way. From poker, Go-fish or Black Jack, there are many ways to have fun with those with the family. In keeping with this year’s International Day of Families theme- families and new technologies- you could harness technology to help find a fun game or activity that the whole family can enjoy.

Work out together

Get outside with your kids! Go enjoy the great outdoors. Go hiking, fishing, swimming, or participate in family runs together. Physical activity and sunshine is great for everyone but when you do it together as a family, you build those relationships at the same time. Win-win!!

Sources: Irvine Partners
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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