The Daisy Project is working to shorten the waiting lists for elective procedures at the Karl Bremer Hospital by getting doctors and nurses to offer their expertise for free.
The first Daisy Project was to established to offer an extra theatre list to help patients that have been waiting on the lists for a long time. The lists are for elective procedures and also ward patients that have fallen off the list due to emergencies.
So far, the project has worked through three lists, helping 21 patients. The procedures are taking place once a month on a select Saturday. The project has arranged to work through two more lists before the year-end.
The goal for 2019 is to work through 11 waiting lists.
“We have doctors, nursing staff and people from the community helping with the lists giving their time and expertise for free. Some of the services we buy in through locum agencies.”
“How can you get involved? We need support, time, expertise and money to continue with the project. And prayer… We firmly believe that this project is a calling from God to serve the people of Karl Bremer.”
We spoke to the project organisers and they confirmed that for now the project is only run at Karl Bremer Hospital but the hope is to get it into a number of Government hospitals soonest.
The Karl Bremer Hospital is a district hospital in the Tygerberg Eastern Health District of the Metro Region. The hospital is situated in Bellville in the Western Cape.
For more information about the project, take a look at their Facebook page here. They also share the photos of the men and women that sacrifice their time to do the procedures.