Zac Police

Zac, a seven year old, has dreamt of being a police officer so for his birthday he was surprised with a visit to the Bishop Lavis Police Academy


Zac is a seven year old from Durbanville with a passion for doing good. He has wanted to be a police officer for a long time. On his 6th birthday his mother made him a uniform which enabled him to play dress up and start dreaming about the job he could do one day.

“He has been obsessed with the police for years and is desperate to be one when he’s older and because we’ve pretty much visited every police station around (he takes donuts and cupcakes) I wanted to blow his mind” – Christy Haefele

Zac’s mother, Christy Haefele, decided to surprise him for his 7th birthday which happened yesterday. She started by altering his outfit so it would fit. Then she picked him up from school and took him to the Bishop Lavis Police Academy for his birthday surprise.

He got to meet so many officers and chat with people about the job. He was in his element!

“He saw the cadettes training yesterday met admin staff and even got a commendation from the commander…”

“He always tells me ‘there’s no such thing as bad people mommy… they just made bad choices!'”

Zac is an inspiring seven year old and brought smiles to everyone at the academy. He had a fun filled day and even snuck in a nap on the way home. This future hero really put a smile on our faces.

Zac PoliceZac PoliceZac PoliceZac PoliceZac PoliceZac Police

Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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