
Sally Wellbeloved had a tough 2018, heartbreak and getting stuck with a car she never wanted but she is determined to turn it all around and make it good


Sally started the year with so much hope but things got bad really fast. The man she had in her life, left her along with a car she had financed for him. The car was far more than she could afford to pay and so she put it on the market. Sadly, it failed to sell and she was stuck paying it off for months.

She decided to take a different approach to how she sees the car.

“Throughout this whole process, I have had a deep and strong sense that this vehicle is here to teach me something. That it is holding a blessing. That somewhere deep down there is gold, there is magic, there is a beautiful GIFT. This is an amazing vehicle that can go anywhere and do anything. It has a job to do, that will turn bad into good. Where it can go kick some ass – in a good way!”

Sally started brainstorming ways to get rid of the car and turn a bad experience into something good. Her friend said if 1950 people each put in R100 and had a share of the car, the car could easily be paid off and given to a good cause. This would, however, be a logistical nightmare so Sally came up with an even better idea.

If 2000 people could help pay off the car, she could donate it to help protect wild rhinos. So she launched “The Power Of 2000”.

“I have chosen the wild warrior women protecting our black rhino’s and educating their communities on protecting our precious wildlife. The Black Mambas & The Bush Babies. They are in dire need of a vehicle.”

R200,000 would settle the finance and afford Sally the opportunity to replace the tyres. Then it would be gifted to the charity. The first day of her plea, she managed to raise R3,600.00 and the next day it was up to R4,600.00

Since posting, she has had a number of offers to buy the car but she has turned them down because her goal is now to pay it off and give it to charity.

Sally can also be supported on the crowdfunding website BackaBuddy. You can follow her progress in raising the money for the car on her Facebook page The Power Of 2000.

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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