Baby Martin’s parents just made the most incredible announcement about his ever-growing stack of medical bills. Someone paid the full R400k off for them!!!
Baby Martin was born into the world a little early but his family and doctors were really happy as he was a healthy little baby. A few days later, however, his health took a turn and he was diagnosed with jaundice.
The very next day, doctors discovered he had a serious condition in his intestine leading to the colon, which had perforated. He underwent surgery at just 4 days old. From there, little baby Martin faced a battle in the Neonatal ICU.
His parents were met with an increasing hospital bill, which their medical aid won’t cover, but have pushed it out of their minds and focussed on getting Martin healthy again. He is now 10-months-old and his fighting spirit refuses to give in. Having faced a number of health complications, the sweet boy has continued to smile where ever he can.
The family had started a crowdfund to help pay their bills and set their target at R250,000. Sadly the bills kept coming and just a few days ago, they owed the hospital a staggering R400,000.00.
“Today is the 1st October 2018, the day that we were expecting a call from the mediclinic Legal department for the outstanding hospital account. We were so scared and stressed out the last couple of weeks, but we tried our very best. All medical bills outstanding are calculated at almost R400 000.00 still outstanding.”
As the days grew nearer, the family stressed and fretted over the idea of being handed over by the legal department. They held their breath as the phone call came in, knowing full well they couldn’t pay the full amount.
But then they were given the most phenomenal news! The financial department of the clinic phoned with the following message…
“The outstanding amount on your account is… R0.00″
An anonymous donor paid off their bill in full. The family has no idea who was behind this generous donation but posted a big thank you on Baby Martin’s Facebook page.
“To the anonymous person/persons that paid Baby Martin’s hospital account… wow, we do not have words.
This is a huge early Christmas present to this Ras family. Tears are running down our faces. We are more than just grateful.
You have saved this family.”