Rameez Lorgat saw a man holding a sign looking for work and decided to do a good deed by buying him a coffee and doughnut, what happened next changed a life!
Good deeds come in all shapes and sizes. They can be helping someone find a job or simply just acknowledging a person’s struggle. Rameez Lorgat saw Brian standing on the roadside next to the McDonalds in Sandton. Brian was holding up a sign promoting his qualifications in the mining industry and hoped it would help land him a job.
Rameez decided to do a good deed and simply stopped to offer Brian a cup of coffee and a doughnut. He acknowledged his struggle and while Rameez knew he was unable to help provide a job, he figured sharing the info on Facebook could do the trick.
“Happened to see Brian standing at the at the robot holding a board. So I decided to buy him a coffee and a doughnut just to keep him going. I can’t help him get a job but I can definitely share it for Awareness. Let’s help Brian! You can find him at the McDonald’s robot near Sandton.”
It worked! People were inspired by Rameez and Brian. The post led to an opportunity to learn one of the leading software programmes in the mining industry. Sharon Bothma shared an incredible image of Brian standing with his fellow trainees having just completed a training course with Micromine.
Having the knowledge of the course to add to his CV would be a great deal towards his job hunt. We had a chance to speak with Brian and he confirmed that he had a really great time doing the software course.
Brian is still looking for a job and is hopeful something will come his way. He has his CV ready to send off to any company interested and is just a quick phone call away.
If you can help Brian, he can be contacted on the info below.