A young South African who was abandoned, thanks the organisation who saved her life 20 years ago.
Johannesburg, South Africa – Princess Sigidi is a young woman with a bright future ahead of her. She credits Oasis Haven for helping her become the lady she is today.
Oasis Haven is an NPO in South Africa which aims to place abandoned children into loving, adoptive families through various partnerships. Those children waiting to be adopted or who cannot be placed, live in a family environment at the Oasis Haven Family Homes.
Now 20 years old, Princess was born in Johannesburg and grew up at Oasis Haven. She was fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend The Kings School Robin Hills for her entire school career and last year, matriculated with a university entrance pass.
Beverley Beukes from Oasis Haven said, “Oasis Haven believes that the greatest need any child has, is to grow up in a family environment with loving parents. This allows children to get the foundation they need to succeed in life. We aim to reflect the family environment in every way and as best as possible for the children entrusted to our care.”
Princess noted, “Growing up at Oasis Haven has been truly amazing in terms of the opportunities afforded to me, particularly attending a private school. Getting a good education was a priority for them. They have given and shown me so much love and have taught me the importance of being independent.”
“Without them, I may not have completed my matric. Maybe I wouldn’t even have gone to school, let alone a private school. They pushed me to work hard at school because they wanted me to make something of myself.”
Princess is currently studying towards a Diploma in Film and Television Production at City Varsity School of Media Studies and Creative Arts College.
“I have always been interested in film and television, and I want to reach the many people who don’t know about the world outside of their lives & their world,” said Princess.
“I want to share and produce material that people can relate to; real-life issues that evoke emotion.”
Princess’ motto in life is to persevere and never give up. After she completes her three-year course, she wishes to help those who are in the same situation as hers and put all her energy into becoming a well-regarded & top of the class producer. Princess also loves singing and playing netball. Her other hobbies include music and, like other youth, engaging on social media.
Her advice to young adults who are struggling in life is to focus on the good in their lives and not the bad. Young people must understand the importance of education and grab every opportunity to attend & do well in school.
Princess would love to see young adults in South Africa make a change in the world.
“I don’t want them to be affected by peer pressure. Instead, I want them to stand up for what they believe is right,” she said.
Beverley Beukes from Oasis Haven said, “Princess excels in everything she puts her mind to. We are extremely proud of her and can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. She is a shining star.”
For more information or to donate to Oasis Haven and effect positive change in the lives of vulnerable children, visit http://www.oasishaven.org/