Thanks to community hero, retiree Bulelwa and her neighbours, a special educare space focused on nurturing children’s minds and tummies is making Cape Town proud!
Cape Town, South Africa (14 August 2024) — Bulelwa Vangqa and her neighbours came together over a simple question years ago—how could they make their community a better place for the youth? Concerned with unemployment rates and distress seen in young South Africans, Bulelwa and her neighbours considered what a space that focused on nurturing young minds, developing skills and providing guidance for them might look like, especially with so many parents working hard to make ends meet. Today, that vision stands proudly as Educare Centre, Kids Ministry—a unique Youth Skill Development Organisation that’s making a change in areas like Delft and Diep Crescent!
Thanks to the retiree Bulelwa, Kids Ministry has become a special place for a community of children where childhood development is the central focused.
“I got a vision and a word from God that I should start the school,” says Bulelwa who today helps over 100 young people.
The Educare Centre is focused on supporting children through their earliest years holistically; creating a sense of mindfulness early on, in tow with developing those early sparks of passion.
But it’s not just nurturing minds that falls part of the daily task for the staff. Equally important is ensuring that the children are nourished— Kids Ministry serves 113 children breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Despite all the expected ups and downs that come with starting something that serves such an imperative community purpose, Bulelwa has remained steadfast as the principal; nurturing KidsMinistry since 2011.
Bulelwa is one of South Africa’s women warriors who are doing exceptional work to pave a brighter future for our youngsters. Commending women like her, feeding organisation Ladles of Love is inviting those inspired by stories like this to gift a women’s day wellness workshop luncheon to a community carer like Bulelwa which you can support here.