Terminal Cancer Ironman

Richard Wright is one inspiring man! The South African has not let terminal cancer stop him from his goals, he is taking on Ironman Wales!


Richard Wright is taking on the challenge of the Ironman Wales. It is said to be the second toughest Ironman brand race in the world.

In July, when he made the announcement that he would be going to Wales he also let us all know that he got the news that he would probably have to go in for another brain operation. Along with his ongoing chemo he decided to say “Stuff it! I’m going to Wales”.

Richard had already paid for his slot in the Ironman Wales race, which takes place on the 10th of September 2017 and thought even though his life isn’t ideal at the moment he would not let that stop him!

“There is never a perfect time nor a perfect set of circumstances. Live life! Stop waiting. Do things you have never done before, and commit yourself. Write down goals and tick them off. You were not born just to be another papercut survivor. You are terminal.”

Richard is raising money for kids with brain cancer, helping them ‘Give it horns’ and also the Rhino Rescue Project. To donate to the cause click here for info.

“Next Sunday I will be suffering on the #ironmanwales2017 course in an effort to raise money for kids with cancer…because every kid deserves to believe in magic…and unicorns.”

“In particular the money will go towards bringing some joy to the kids who live in isolation wards, and one or two of the moms who have to spend a huge portion of their days in the ward…and therefore cannot keep a job and have no partner or breadwinner.
It is a rough situation.”

Stuff it… we’re all going to Wales with you! (Even if it’s just in spirit)

Sources: YouTube
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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