Kim Williams met Anna Khanyisile who runs a small sewing business on the streets; she takes on all kinds of jobs in order to make ends meet.
South Africa (21 August 2015) – Kim Williams, a paramedic, met Anna on a routine call-out and posted her story online.
“Anna Khanyisile is an incredible South African who has created a thriving business with her little to no resources.”
Every day she takes to the pavement on Vickers Road, near the M2 highway to set up her business. She spends the days sewing and mending the communities clothing.
“Jobs in South Africa are scarce, so we need to create them ourselves and if we use the skills we have, then we can make it work.”
The long queues are proof that Anna is passionate about what she does. She never misses a day and always works till the jobs are done.
“I work under the African sun sewing everyday to feed my family”
We love Anna’s entrepreneurship, her dedication and her resourcefulness.
Since the online post, Anna has received donations of gazebos, a new table, chairs and there may even be a new sewing kit in the pipeline!