In a heartwarming display of community spirit and dedication, members of the Belmont South African Police Service (SAPS) went above and beyond the call of duty to transform the life…
A brave SAPS officer, who also happens to be a trained snake catcher, Captain Joanita Becker, calmly sprang into action after being notified about a highly venomous Cape Cobra spotted…
From Kimberley to the world, skateboarder Damian Bramley is making epic moves on international skateboarding paths as he guns for his spot at the Paris Olympics! Kimberley, South Africa…
The flamingos rescued in Kimberly have been sent all over South Africa because “many hands make light work” and “it takes a village”… here is how you can help. …
St Patricks CBC in Kimberly shared an adorable video of a PR class playing the greeting game and it is warming the hearts of all South Africans. Kimberly, South…
A group of 12 people are raising R 2-million to revamp the Kimberly Hospital Burn Ward and one of them has the most inspiring story of all… Twelve incredible…
Where mind meets heart
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ― Maya Angelou