
Litter Clean-Ups have popped up all over the City of Cape Town with members of the public taking their time to clean up the local beaches and trails.


Capetonians are giving back to their communities by cleaning up the beaches and trails within their area’s. A proud citizen popped us an email to tell is how he felt about people doing something and wanted to share all the clean-ups he had seen happening over the weekend.

“I’ve been so inspired by people all over Cape Town, taking pride in their city and getting off their chairs, to make a difference. I am so damn proud of Safas taking pride in our country and cleaning up behind others’ mess.” – Alfred Thorpe

Love Our Trails‘ met up on Signal Hill to clean the area. The group started at the famous noon gun and worked hard to collect as much litter as possible.

“We collected close on 200 bags of litter. Who would have know that it would be so much fun, meeting new people, enjoying beautiful views, learning about Cape Town history, finding new trails and watching that Noon Gun Cannon go off.”


The Helderberg Beach Cleanup meet once a month to clean the beaches of the Strand and Gordon’s Bay. They aim to keep the dunes and ocean litter free and the beach clean and safe for beach-goers.

“Whilst we appreciate the municipal efforts, we all need to take some responsibility in keeping Strand beach and Gordon’s Bay a pleasant place for beach-goers and an exquisite environment for the many animals in the dunes and in the water.

We are, after all, custodians of this beautiful coast.”

Nichelle Swanepoel posted a bunch of photo’s of people cleaning the tracks between St James and Kalkbay station. Working with Clean C the group collected litter and plan to head from St James to Muizenberg in August.

Sources: Facebook 1 / 2 / 3
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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