Caracal Crossing
Photo Credit: Public Shows of Refelction

‘Public Shows of Reflection’ has teamed up with the Urban Caracal Project to highlight hit and run hotspots where caracals are crossing roads.


Cape Town, South Africa (05 May 2021) – Bryan Little launched his project ‘Public Shows of Reflection’ in the hopes of getting people to slow down when driving through areas where wildlife are crossing the roads.

Bryan uses sturdy reflective materials to bring to light and life, animals commonly found as roadkill.

“Working with light I hope to inspire people about our incredible ecology whilst raising awareness around specific issues such as roadkill of indigenous and endemic species. 

I hope to gently and with inspiration encourage people to SLOW DOWN and for a moment rediscover a sense of reverence for the wilderness we are so fortunate to live in.”

The project that was brought to our attention is the Caracal Crossing in support of the Urban Caracal Project.

The Caracal is a medium-sized wild cat native to Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and India. The mammal is characterised by a robust build, long legs, a short face, long tufted ears and long canine teeth.

Typically nocturnal, the Caracal is highly secretive and difficult to observe. They are territorial and live mainly alone.

“Keep an eye out for these beautiful reflective artworks placed at caracal road-crossing hotspots around Cape Town. If you see an artwork, please slow down! And spread the word about what these artworks mean.

The biggest threat to caracals is being hit by cars. Slowing down in these crossing hotspots could reduce this threat — for caracals but also other wildlife.

In Cape Town, caracals are important “umbrella species” because they need large, wild spaces and access to prey resources, so anything we do to conserve them also conserves many other species. We live in an amazingly biodiverse city; let’s do what we can to coexist with the wildlife we still have!” – Urban Caracal Project

Bryan uses each piece to raise awareness and hopes to continue his passion project to help save as many species as possible. He launched a crowdfund to help cover the cost of materials for upcoming projects.

“I’m not one to normally reach out for help as there are many causes that need it but as the pieces are expensive (materials need to be resilient to being outdoors) and time-consuming to produce it has been rather expensive labour of love for me, so any support would actually be really appreciated! 

I am hoping to raise some funds through your kind donation in order to take the work further into more communities and highlighting more species that share our wonderful city with us and are in danger on our roads. 

The money raised in this campaign will go directly to materials to bring to life Caracal, Porcupines, Baboons, Leopard Toads, Grysbok, and the myriad of other fantastic creatures we are so fortunate to share a home with.” 

You can support Bryan via BackaBuddy here.

Sources: Urban Caracal Project / Public Shows of Reflection
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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