Photo Credit: Claire Louis Thomas - Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation

The Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation gave us a sneak peek into their hatchling rehabilitation routine, forever changing how we see Mondays.


Cape Town, South Africa (14 September 2021) – The Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation works to protect our oceans by raising awareness and ensuring our ocean animals are safe. They also work with turtle rehabilitation projects.

Over the years, the foundation has taken in thousands of little hatchlings and rescued larger turtles needing assistance.

The foundation prepares its hatchling centre to take in hundreds of little turtles washed off course each year. They also raise awareness and educate South Africans who may find the hatchlings stranded on the beach.

Rescued hatchlings brought into their centre get checked daily, but they get weighed and measured every Monday to ensure they are growing and getting healthier.

There is something so special about a hatchling getting its weight taken, especially as the scale is a place of dread for most of us. Thankfully little hatchlings don’t care; they only care about their delicious meals and swimming along.

The Education Foundation team look forward to this day every week, as it is always a positive sign when little hatchlings start regaining their strength, bulking up and growing. Also, a change in the appetite of a young turtle is good news; the more they eat, the faster they grow.

“The goal of feeding our hatchlings is to help them grow consistently over the course of their rehabilitation time

And as our hatchlings gain strength and appetite, their food amount increases and is adjusted according to their body weight

Every Monday their weekly weights and measurements are recorded by our rehab team. With it being essential we pick up on any weight loss that may reflect on a potential health issue

Our team ensures we focus on those hatchlings in need of receiving specialised care to bolster their survival chances in the wild once released”

So in case, you needed a reason to think of a Monday in a positive light, remember turtles love Mondays!

Sources: TOA Education Foundation
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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