Green beards and au natural 5 o’clock shadows will be all the rage in Cape Town until summer as lawnmowers hit snooze. But before anyone clutches their pearls, there’s good reason for this!
Cape Town, South Africa (08 August 2024) — Every year as winter turns to spring and we welcome wildflower season and better spirits, lawnmowers tend to hit snooze. You’d be forgiven for wondering if Parks authorities have simply gotten lazy as the warmer weather sets in, but you’d also be wrong. Lush 5 o’clock shadows and green beards of biodiversity will be all the rage this time of year thanks to the official No Mow Season coming into full swing.
No Mow Season is a drive that aims to allow spring flowers and a variety of indigenous plants to bloom and seed uninterrupted. While the ‘to mow or not to mow’ debate can ruffle a few feathers for those who love a perfectly manicured space, for the City of Cape Town it’s essential to hold back on the mowing and let ecological processes flourish.
The City shares that a number of public open spaces are conservation corridors. This means they connect to other open spaces, conservation areas, nature reserves and national parks that ensure a healthy network of interconnected environments.
As such, the City has identified important public open spaces, parks, greenbelts and road verges that sensitive vegetation call home (you can access the full list, here). These areas will not be mowed until November to help nature do its thing!
“Residents also have the opportunity to advocate for spaces in their communities to be added to the no mow list. I do want to remind everyone that any such application will require the support of their neighbours and broader community,” says Mayco Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia Van der Ross.
While the green beards flourish, flowers will bloom, and more birds, butterflies, moths and bees will come to town to enjoy the delights of spring.
Applications to halt mowing in specific areas can be made by writing to and all Capetonians are encouraged to look at No Mow season with the greater ecological good in mind.
Meanwhile in exciting news for wildflower season in the Cape and beyond, blossoms are said to be bursting boldly! Find out where to enjoy them here.