This year, Dr Bull and his team are hoping to collect 3,000 boxes of marshmallow Easter Eggs – They are just over halfway there!
East Rand, South Africa (20 March 2024) – Dr Clifford Bull has a great love for Easter time, every year he works towards making sure his community enjoys the joys of Easter by handing out thousands of Easter Eggs. Not only does he promote joy in his community on the East Rand, but he also advocates against gifting bunnies at Easter – a trend that still seems to be popular each year.
The vet, who owns and runs the Craig View Veterinary Clinic, started the charity challenge in 2018 and managed to collect 50,720 Easter Eggs. Over the years (not including the pandemic years) he and his team have been blown away by the community’s continues support in efforts to collect eggs.
Last year, they managed to collect 2,400 boxes of eggs. This hope for this year is to collect 3,000 boxes, they have currently collected just over 1,500 so there is urgency to reach the goal before Easter weekend.
“This year we are in a very different position than previous years – we really are the most behind we have ever been.
It has also been the slowest year and donations have only really come in the very last week. By this Sunday the eggs are meant to be sorted for the various charities.
The eggs need to be at the charities before Easter.
That means we have to collect 300 boxes each day for the next 5 days.”
If they do not reach the goal, around half of the charities on their list will not get eggs this year.
“We need to try and reach 3,000 boxes of Easter eggs.
We also have a long list of children at newly established squatter camps, and the oncology units have sadly reported a need for more eggs due to an increase of patients.”
“We know that everyone is experiencing difficult times – however Dr Bull always believed in this project uplifting those in most need.
Please help us give something small this Easter to less fortunate children, those fighting cancer, the elderly who are often over looked, minorities at squatter camps and local caravan parks, little animal heroes and children with special needs.”
Easter has really snuck up on us this year, perhaps you too? If you have not yet had a chance to make a contribution to Dr Bull’s Easter Egg drive, you can find out more here.