Mother City Table Mountain

See, hear, smell, taste, embrace, love Cape Town aka the Mother City. The new Cape Town Tourism advert has us saying “yes please!”.


Cape Town Tourism has shared a new video that is enticing people to visit the Mother City. It really works because we wish we could be there right now soaking up some sunshine!

The Mother City is known for her beauty. The company captured the essence of what a holiday in Cape Town will look like. The city caters to every budget and offers unforgettable experiences. Can you tell we love Cape Town?

Cape Town is a city that will awaken all your senses. It’s vibrant, full of wonder, life-changing even. There are so many ways to take in this amazing city. We invite you to experience this world-class destination in every way possible.

It even plays host to some incredible wildlife and scenery, which is what it is most famous for!

We do have one concern though, when travelling to the Cape, just remember the province is in the midst of a crippling drought so where you can, save as much water as possible. If staying at a guest house or with family we recommend taking large bottles of water as thank you gifts instead of the usual wine and flowers.

It is the little gestures like that, that show we care about our neighbouring cities. So if you are planning on visiting remember to be water wise.

Sources: YouTube
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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