JMPD Bribe

Johannesburg Mayor tweeted his pride in two JMPD cops that refused a bribe of 10k after apprehending scrapyard owners in possession of stolen copper wire.


An area in the inner city of Johannesburg was plunged into darkness after cable thieves made away with copper cables. A Forensic Investigation team including the JMDP, City Power engineers and the SAPS arrested two scrapyard owners after finding three barrels of stolen wire.

The arrests were made after a member of the public sent in a tip off to the Forensic Investigation team. One of the scrapyard owners attempted to bribe two of the JMPD officers with R10,000 but failed. The officers could not be swayed and seized the funds. Joburg Mayor tweeted his pride in the two officers.

“I am immensely proud of this 2 JMPD officers who turned down a R10k bribe” – Herman Mashaba

Joburg City Power have started making changes to the power supply across the city. These changes will prevent cable theft syndicates from ruining the city.

“In an effort to combat cable theft, City Power has initiated a process of replacing copper conductor cables with aluminum conductor cables. Criminals target copper cables by digging it up to sell to scrap metal dealers, but aluminum has little to no street value.”

Historically these criminals have operated with impunity, and those days are fact coming to an end.

Sources: Twitter / COJ
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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