Vusi Thembekwayo sat down and gave a thought provoking look into how to make real change for black economy. This talk is what we need to be sharing.
Every once in a while someone comes along and delivers a hard dose of reality. Sometimes it can feel harsh and hurtful but the message is clear and other times the message is given in a beautifully truthful and thought provoking way. This can be said for Vusi Thembekwayo, who shared his views and idea’s on how to better black economy in South Africa.
Vusi Thembekwayo recently posted a Facebook live video online which is quickly going viral for its honest and open points as well as its ability to be truly thought provoking. The way he spoke about real and relevant issues within the black business world are a reality, which needs to be faced and changed.
He mentions a few times within the video that he does not wish to be construed as racist, which obviously he never does because his words are something to really think about. The video has reached over 200,000 people so far and the comment sections is filled with South Africans that agree completely.
“Well said… me and and my wife to be has observed and started an accounting service for small black individuals and businesses. An investment group. We looking at insurance and other but my point is it’s time we get off our behind and work our communities…. thank you for being a little of hope in Africa.” – Denzil Sibanda
“Powerful words! You speak the truth and it is going to hurt both white and black. The question is how does one change mindset to create the environment that you speak of. It starts from involvement in the basics, education, stop taking handouts and saying we can do this ourselves exactly as you said we want you involved but don’t dictate the terms, but at the same time why should I invest when I don’t have some control of the outcome. Not easy…looking forward to seeing this change.” – Dave Perrett
Watch the video below
Initially it came across as just another black man complaining about the situation of many of the black people in our country. HOWEVER listening to him further and it reminded me of a situation I once found myself in. For my daughter’s 6th birthday we decided to treat a local orphanage to cupcakes and party packs. While visiting the orphanage one of the little girls commented on my necklace. She said she like it. I thanked her for the compliment. She then proceeded to say that she liked it and because she liked it I had to give it to her.
I reminded me of the saying, “Give a man fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” I think we are so guilt ridden for our own luxuries in life that we feel better when we give; but what kind of generation are we breeding where things are just given and not worked for and earned?
Some very valid – quite obvious – points. The main reason for the disconnect, in my view, is BEE. Because BEE has not, to date, really been about empowering black people across the board (I.e. “broadbased black economic empowerment”) it has been about empowering a small “elite” group of politically connected people, therefore it has not been about putting in place sructures & systems to broadly empower black people, it hss been about giving shares & Executive positions in public & private companies to politically connected individuals.
And also the attitude of “entitlement” amongst black South African – that they must be GIVEN (for free) everything because they are “previously disadvantaged” – it creates a very damaged and damaging “welfare” attitude and psychology amongst the black South Africans where they can’t help themselves & expect handouts.