old ladies gold

A regular at the Coffee Trail coffee shop in Joburg surprised 5 old ladies by paying for their bill in full, for no other reason that sharing a bit of kindness.


The festive season is fast approaching and people are quickly being swept up by the giving spirit and giving back to the community. One woman was at her regular coffee spot when she was swept up by the giving spirit.

The woman stayed anonymous but the story is still very touching and brought joy to the lives of 5 old ladies out for the day.

“My mom went on the bus with her friends from her retirement village to The Flower Market in City Deep, Jo’burg this morning.”

“Walking around the flower market understandably makes a person a little thirsty so they all, (5 of them), went to the Coffee Trail coffee shop and ordered a coffee.”

“When they asked for their bill sometime later, they were really surprised to hear that a stranger, but a regular visitor to the Coffee Trail itself (paid their bill in full)”

“My mom was absolutely thrilled and I could hear it in her voice on the phone, how this act of human kindness had just lifted their spirits so much.”

“Whoever you are, thank you on behalf of my mom and her four friends!”

The ladies just wanted to make sure that the person that surprised them, knew that they were grateful. So if you are reading this and you bought the ladies their coffee’s, just know they appreciated it and are so thankful for the kind gesture.

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Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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