Photo Credit: Mighty Mack

Calling the Durban-based Mack Army Members, they are hosting a massive bone marrow and blood drive next week, and this is how to join.


Durban, South Africa (18 August 2021) – Blood donations and bone marrow transplants are lifesaving procedures that help those fighting their biggest battles survive them. We have the opportunity to do some good in the world by giving these lifesaving donations, so someone else gets a second chance, and it costs nothing.

The 12th of May 2021 was a terrible day for Bronson, and Megan Friedman, their daughter Mackenzie Friedman was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). Dubbed Mighty Mack, Mackenzie was rushed into treatment, and the fight began to end her cancer.

Quickly friends and family rallied to support the Friedman’s through the coming months and to get Mighty Mack the care she needed. One of the things desperately needed was blood donations. Mighty Mack’s Army started signing up to become blood donors and registering to check if their bone marrow is a match.

Since then, people have been raising awareness and running drives around South Africa. A drive has been set up for next week Friday in Durban. This drive is perfect for those wanting to lend a helping hand from afar.

“Just one blood donation to SANBS could save 3 lives, and if you are a registered bone marrow donor, a bone marrow transplant, which is similar to a blood transfusion, could save Mackenzie, and so many other children like her.

As bone marrow matches are based on ethnicity, the SA Bone Marrow Registry desperately require donors of all races to register as donors, to increase the chances of finding matches for all those in need.

Like Mackenzie, all children undergoing chemo require regular blood transfusions- these are vital, and so desperately needed.”

So if you find yourself in Durban and wanting to join the Mighty Mack Army, now is your chance. You can find all the details in the poster below.

No matter where you are in the world, you can join Mack’s Army and become a blood donor or bone marrow donor. She may not be the recipient, but someone will be, and that is yet another life saved. So you can definitely donate in her honour too.

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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