Photo Credit: Geoff Squires via Facebook

Despite his young age, Seth Squires has brought immense pride to South Africa by clinching four gold medals at the prestigious World Lyrical Dance Federation Championships.


Johannesburg, South Africa (06 August 2024) – Seth Squires’ exceptional talent and unwavering dedication have propelled him to the top of the international dance stage.

The talented Jazz dancer, Seth Squires flew the South African flag high at the World Lyrical Dance Federation (WLDF) where he not only participated, but even won four gold medals.

The World Lyrical Dance Federation, located in Dublin, Ireland, is an international organisation that is committed to the growth and development of Lyrical Dance internationally.

Sharing his achievements was Seth’s father Geoff Squires who could not help but get emotional when he reflected on his son’s talent and performance at the international dance competition.

“Seth Squires stood on the top podium for the fourth time as he became the 18-year-old and older World Champion at the WLDF World Championships held in Scotland! He took gold in all 4 sections,” Geoff shared.

Seth competed in the Jazz Improv, Lyrical Improv, Jazz Solo and Lyrical Solo sections where he excelled remarkably.

Gushing at his son’s achievement, Geoff said words couldn’t comprehend just how proud he was of his world champion.

“Seth is the kindest, most loving and true to himself human being I have ever had the privilege of knowing and I am so proud to call him my son.

“His dancing only started six years ago, and his learning of Jazz started a mere 11 months ago! His hard work and determination have been something out of this world. A huge thank you to mom Bernadette for the years of running Seth around when I couldn’t, getting him to classes, competitions and shows,” Geoff shared.

Sources: Geoff Squires
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