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Simon Cowell isn’t as tough or mean as he comes across when it comes to helping animals. He recently donated money to save dogs in South Korea.


Everyone is aware of the dog meat trade because of events like the Yulin festival but what some might not know is that sadly dogs are also essentially “farmed” for their meat as well. The Yulin festival takes place in China and the farms are scattered around the Asian continent.

Many organisations work to fight not only the festivals but also to combat the cruelty at these farms.

Simon Cowell, a reality TV-show judge on shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent, recently donated £25,000 to the Humane Society so they could close down a dog meat farm in South Korea.

The donation meant that animal rescuers will be able to save over 200 dogs from a farm and transport them to shelters in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands where they will have the chance to go on to find their forever homes.

When fans of the judge heard the news of his donation, they started another fund and matched the donation, meaning a further 200 dogs can be saved from the meat trade.

The Humane Society has had success in shutting down a meat farm already but they have not left the people running them unemployed. The Humane Society worked on training them in farming more ethical fields such as mushroom and chili farming.

“Simon’s generous donation means the world to us, and provides a huge boost to our appeal to close this horrendous dog meat farm,” HSI UK Executive Director Claire Bass said in a statement.

“More than 200 dogs are languishing in the most appalling conditions, but we have a real chance to save them.

“These poor dogs have had the worst lives so far, so we’re desperate to get them out of those dreadful cages and show them love, soft beds and loving arms for the first time in their lives.”

As people continue to discuss the dog meat trade, just over 70% of people in South Korea now refuse to eat dog meat. Hopefully, in time, the practice will be ended and dogs can live happy, free lives.

Sources: Good News Network
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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