The Senior Santa Shoebox started a wish tree at the Oakhaven Elderly home and one man, Mr May, wished for a Saxophone to play at the children’s hospital.
The Senior Santa Shoebox is in the business of spreading smiles and laughter among the elderly. They make sure that the men and women at various old aged homes in Cape Town are loved and remembered.
Inspired by a video on the BBC, the group set up a wish tree at the Oakhaven home. The elderly there wrote their wishes on a piece of paper and the group worked to make it come true.
Mr May, a talented saxophonist, made a wish for an alto saxophone and the group shared it on their Facebook page. Michelle Petring saw the wish and decided to make it come true.
Michelle used to play in school but then stopped once she had left. A friend decided to buy her a new sax a couple of years ago in the hopes to inspire her to play again. Unfortunately (or fortunately for Mr May) she never did pick it up again. Knowing that the sax was going to waste, she decided to donate it to the Senior Santa Shoebox for Mr May.
“Michelle says she hasn’t played the SAX since she left school and a friend bought it for her a couple of years ago to encourage her to play again. Needless to say, that didn’t happen and well, maybe Mr May will play it for her. I can’t tell you how excited I am for Mr May and the power of Facebook”
You have never seen such joy and appreciation in one person’s face. Thankfully a photographer was present for the moment that Mr May was given his sax. His face lit up and we just about burst into tears at how happy he was.
He set the saxophone up and started playing. The staff at the home sang along. This is such a beautiful story, take a look at the video below.
If you would like to grant a wish or two, you can get in contact with the Senior Santa Shoebox here. Some of the wishes are simple, like warm socks or a nice winter gown.
Sources: Facebook (Supplied)
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