Mpho the tiny rhino orphan is growing and thriving since being rescued, she is the light that keeps the team going through the toughest days.
Undisclosed Location (07 July 2023) – Mpho is the shining light at the Rhino Orphanage these days. Her vivacious spirit keeps the team on their toes and her love for being outside spreads absolute joy to everyone who watches her run around.
Mpho was rescued in June and is making leaps and bounds as she grows and settles in at the orphanage. You can read her story here.
Just weeks after taking in Mpho, the orphanage received a second “neonate” rhino who they named Hope. Sadly, Hope’s health was so compromised, he didn’t make it – a tragic loss for the team, for South Africa and for the ever-dwindling rhino population. Sadly, losing Hope is one of the harsh realities of the efforts of trying to save rhinos.
Through all the heartache and anger, Mpho has reminded the team of everything they fight for. In her honour, they started a little fund to restock their Neonate supplies. Her healthy appetite is making them go through their stocks quickly. It’s ok though, she is very happy to keep on growing strong as are we!
“Tiny rhino bum, Mpho is doing beyond expectations of the Team. Drinking like a star, full of energy, sleeping well between feeds and sassy as ever!
The Team will now start to increase her milk feeds, little bits at a time, to match her growing and gaining weight. Did you know that little rhinos gain around 1kg (2.2lbs) per day in bodyweight for the first year, weighing over 400kg (900lbs) at a year old?
THANK YOU to every single person who has supported Mpho’s Fund for Neonates. You are all extraordinary people”
You can donate to the fund here or for South African donors here (Please use Mpho and your email address as reference or send us an email with your PoP so we can send you a Thank you).
Here is another video of her running about – you won’t be able to stop smiling!