As the class of 2023 eagerly waits on their matric results (with some having already received theirs), it’s a time of many emotions. No matter what you or someone you know in this phase of their life are feeling, here are a few gentle reminders:
South Africa (18 January 2024) — Tomorrow, the matric class of 2023 will get their results from the National Senior Certificate exams. It’s a time of great nerves, excitement, catharsis, the end of an era and the beginning of a new one—which is a melting pot of things to feel!
The IEB matric class recently celebrated 88.59% of learners achieving a degree pass, while 8.31% achieved a diploma pass and 1.5% earning a higher certificate pass.
But, while the majority of the country still waits patiently for their results and others reflect on their current results, we thought we’d share a little advice that some might need to hear right now:
1. As much as you think these results determine the rest of your life, they don’t
Many of the adults who have come before you once stood in your shoes; thinking that these very results you just received or are waiting on are the determiners of all your life paths. Well, that thinking greatly undermines the beauty and complexity of life.
Yes, they may be a big part of your next steps. But they are not the greatest determiners of all the years you’ll live—you, your decisions, and your intentions are!
2. You are still you even if things don’t turn out the way you wanted them to
Tying your own value to something like your marks is a complicated web. You can let your academics form some part of your identity. But they shouldn’t be the basis of your value.
Whether you get the grades you wanted, excel or fall short of a goal you had—you are still you. You still have your ambition, and your heart, and your humour and your mind. Your value can’t actually be diminished by anything that you don’t allow to diminish. And when you remember this, you’ll become a lot less reliant on external validation in whatever form, and more proud of the parts of you that can never be taken away.
3. Life favours the determined
If there’s anything we’ve learnt covering thousands and thousands of good news stories here at Good Things Guy, it’s that determination can take you to places you never even thought were yours to experience. If you don’t get the outcome you wanted the first time, a second chance is yours for the taking.
Betting on yourself time and time again is the fuel you need to reach your dreams. Results on a sheet of paper are only the start of the race, but you get to choose how many shots you take at diving in. The only other competitors in this race, are different versions of you!
4. Comparison is the thief of joy
When you’ve given something all you can, it’s fruitless to compare your outcome to another’s. We’re all planting our own seeds of growth all the time. Some of those seeds will flourish quickly. Others take longer. But you can’t shout at one set of seeds for growing differently or slower than another set. The same goes for humans.
The beautiful thing about being a person though, is that we’re not restricted to only growing in one way. We find different things that we’re really good at and love throughout our lives. And when we compare our achievements to others, we don’t let those parts of ourselves explore further.
5. Celebrate the small victories
Be proud of your own small victories—the things that only you will understand. Maybe that means doing really well in one of your chosen subjects because you love it; even if it’s not what you intend to study. Or maybe it means celebrating having helped a friend do well in something they struggled with. Or surprising yourself with your grades despite all the challenges at home you faced.
Only you will know the small victories that mean a lot. Applaud them, even if they aren’t in the newspaper or something anyone else sees as significant. Because at the end of the day, when you celebrate and love yourself, you’re passing the biggest test of all, and the one that will take you the furthest—self-belief.