Play It Forward Sneakers
Photo Credit: Play It Forward Jozi

Through a generous donation of sneakers, two charities helped level the playing field for those who lacked the necessary shoes to participate in local park runs.


Johannesburg, South Africa (27 August 2024) – Play It Forward Jozi and Kindness Like Confetti joined forces to make a positive impact on aspiring park runners in need.

Through their generous donation of sneakers, the charities helped level the playing field for those who lacked the necessary equipment to participate in the sport.

Alison Garrett of Play It Forward Jozi, a charity committed to donating used sports equipment, shared that through their network of schools, clubs, charities and Good Samaritans, they can collect and donate much-needed items to those who love sports but don’t have the necessary items to thrive.

“We partnered with Kindness Like Confetti to help each other out. Kindness Like Confetti makes a lot of donations at local park runs around the country and they were forever looking for takkies for kids and adults who can’t afford them but want to participate in the park runs. We received piles of trainers from people which we then gave to Kindness Like Confetti.”

The donation was received with the warmest gratitude from Kindness Like Confetti, who shared that the recipients of the trainers in the Katlehong area would be thrilled with these much-needed items.

The Play It Forward Jozi charity was started by Alison’s son, Ross and four other boys back in primary school to collect and donate used sports equipment to players in need after noticing how their peers in disadvantaged communities often have to share basic sports equipment at tournaments.

Although the boys went their separate ways after primary school, Ross carried on running the worthy cause.

“My husband and I help him out. The three of us run Play it Forward Jozi. People donate their second-hand equipment and we pass it on to clubs, individuals, and whoever needs it within the Jozi areas.”

Alison shared that even when the burden becomes overwhelming, or the calls for help seem insurmountable, she and her family couldn’t imagine turning their backs on those in need.

“We’re a small charity run by one small family without funding. When there isn’t much going on or when can’t give back because we just don’t have much to give, it’s hard but we put out appeals on social media and do what we can.

“It is a part of our lives. I think we would be quite lost without Play it Forward Jozi. Even when Ross matriculates, we’ll carry on. It’s just a part of our lives now.”

To contribute to the worthy cause, the public can donate sports items and support Play it Forward Jozi by contacting them via email at

Sources: Play It Forward Jozi
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