wild birds Inspiring Bird Nest

A man reached out on Facebook for someone to save his granny who was trapped by the fire, now he is home and inspiring others to build bird houses!


Alexander Stawiszynski was away from home when the fires flared up in Knysna, absolutely panicked he reached out on Facebook as his granny was in serious danger!

She was completely surrounded by flames, quickly she got herself, the family parrot and her little Yorkie in the car and set off to safety. All of a sudden the car stalled and wouldn’t start up again. She grabbed the animals and made a run for it!

“Its a miracle that my gran is alive. She escaped the car when it stalled. Running from the flames with her parrot and yorkie she was saved by a real hero who kept her safe despite being surrounded by the fire till 3 am!”

“Shes deeply shaken but unharmed. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude that there are no words to describe the feeling. Never in my wildest nightmares could I have foreseen such a disaster play out.”

Alexander and his gran Lucy lost everything! They are just thankful to be alive and together again. The story picks up from here though! Alexander is a big animal lover and has been campaigning for locals to put out supplies for the wild animals that may return to the area.

“My gran and I are very concerned about the wild animals and birds that have been affected by the fires. We plan on putting out water points and bird feeders throughout Eastford Nature Reserve and the surrounding areas. If anyone would like to assist, we are looking for some bird feeders, bird food, water stations, buck pellets, salt licks and bird houses.”

He has been urging people to build bird houses and place them in their gardens, it’s not only humans that have lost their homes. Alexander has been posting different how-to post hoping to inspire other to build the bird houses. He credits the fire for changing his life, now he is trying to turn that change into action.

“I’ve reset my sights on what is really valuable. New life, new goals.”

“So I started putting out some seeds around the house and instantly some of our bird family turned up. Clearly very hungry. Just sad I didnt have water for them yet. Supplies start arriving today along with volunteers”

As of today the situation has gotten a little more desperate, Alexander is trying to get people to join up in building bird houses, the birds are flocking back to the area looking for food and water.

“Anyone out there willing to spare some time to help make bird feeders? Its really urgent. The ones we have are completely over run. 20 or more birds fighting to get food. So many sun birds desperate for liquid. They need to feed frequently else they become to weak to fly. I cant afford to do this on my own.”

Anyone wanting to help build bird houses, donate water baths and food supplies can contact Alexander on Facebook. We will update with more contact information shortly!


Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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