UWC Fairy Godmother
Photo Credit: Pexels

A simple idea to connect students facing challenges with those who can help has become one of the most inspiring examples of real-life magic. Behind it all, is the UWC Fairy Godmother:


Western Cape, South Africa (30 January 2024) — Wondering what life would be like if a genie or fairy godmother was on your side is probably a thought anyone who loves a good fairytale has wondered at one point or another. But in the Western Cape, magic like this does exist. And it has its own Facebook page: UWC Fairy Godmother.

Taking the task of fairy godmother very literally, the UWC Fairy Godmother is committed to solving small problems that students at the University of the Western Cape are dealing with, which results in big, dignity-restoring impact. How? By being the middle-magic between those who need help, and those who can help.

Take last week, for example, when a student needed help with groceries. Through the UWC Fairy Godmother and her call to the community made sure this problem would not persist. Then there was a student who needed taxi money to get to her holiday job. Another who needed help with rent. And another who needed a bus ticket to get to their big break. The circumstances vary, but the impact of kindness is consistent.

There’s a reason people like Briony Chisholm have dedicated entire campaigns to keep the impact flowing.

Many stories have been told on the Facebook page. But, we thought it was time to share that of the human behind it all!

Speaking to Good Things Guy, here’s what the UWC Fairy Godmother (who we’ll refer to as J’ shared:

What Inspired the UWC Fairy Godmother to Get Started?

“I started the page when I came across an application to write a special exam.  The student had missed the exam because he simply didn’t have the R60 he needed to travel to campus on the day of the exam.  I thought to myself, ‘I wish I had known before — I would have given him the 60 bucks in a heartbeat’, and I was convinced many other people would have done the same too. 

“Turns out I was right 🙂  This student was lucky to find a monthly funder who covered his entire taxi fare costs for the remainder of his degree. Today he holds an LLB and is completing his articles.”

Since then, the granting of wishes has blown J away.

What Have Some Heartwarming Highlights of the Journey Been?

“There have been very many astounding moments to celebrate since starting the page.  But the one that is forefront in my mind is the young woman who so enjoyed the experience of wheeling a trolley around Checkers after receiving grocery funding.  She had never ever in her life prior had enough grocery money to warrant a trolley — only ever a basket for a handful of items — and it was an experience she relished, while it’s something so many of us take for granted or even treat as a chore.”

A Deep Wellspring of Unshakeable Hope for SA:

“We currently have an overseas visitor in the household, and I’ve been hearing a lot of negativity about SA. I want to set the record straight. I work with our next generation. I know them, I see them, I teach them, I listen to them.  And because of this I have a deep wellspring of unshakeable hope for SA.

“Our kids are bright, competent, polite, kind, decent people. But they face many challenges, which are often invisible to us. We need to make sure that we invest in the good people of SA so that we can stop the shit from floating to the top in government. And I can assure you that there is no shortage of good young people in our country.  There are plenty, and they just need a hand to get going.”

You can keep up with the page here.

Sources: GTG Interview
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About the Author

Ashleigh Nefdt is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Ashleigh's favourite stories have always seen the hidden hero (without the cape) come to the rescue. As a journalist, her labour of love is finding those everyday heroes and spotlighting their spark - especially those empowering women, social upliftment movers, sustainability shakers and creatives with hearts of gold. When she's not working on a story, she's dedicated to her canvas or appreciating Mother Nature.

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