Photo Credit: Lucas Pezeta via Pexels

South Africans are tired of feeling dread about the future so when tough things happen, many choose to lighten the mood by laughing – Aliens are causing Durban’s latest woes say gatvol Twitter users.


Durban, South Africa (12 October 2022) – It seems the city of Durban cannot catch a break these last few years and everyone is starting to feel it. From rioting to flooding and now the explosion at the 275kv Klaarwater major substation which had caused a widespread power outage to about 50% of areas in Durban. Thankfully, the power has since been restored.

South Africans are the first to laugh at themselves when times get tough. It’s a coping mechanism that has been adopted more and more over the years. The exploding substation is a serious matter and has left many South Africans feeling frustrated but some have taken the moment to add a little light to the situation and make a few more people laugh instead of cry.

The event has been trending on Twitter and many are blaming the strange blue lights on the aliens! The videos doing the rounds are from last night’s event, however, some of the images being used are actually from New York City, showing a similar explosion from 2018.

Others chose to laugh at themselves.

The odd weather that took place on the same evening didn’t do anything to calm people’s nerves that something strange was afoot. The scientific weather phenomenon that took place is called a heat burst, according to iol reporters speaking to Durban-based forecasters, they confirmed the occurrence was what is known to Capetonians as a “Berg Wind”.

So while things may have felt uneasy, a call to unite has been sent out and while everyone laughs off the aliens, they are choosing to see hope and rally their fellow “Durbanites”.

“We still wake to a new day and things are somewhat better this morning. Us Durbanites are survivors, we are warriors, they dont call us the kingdom of the zulus for nothing. We still rise and carry out our daily routines no matter what, with or without electricity.” – Maureen Lang

If you missed the original video of the explosion, you can see it below.

Sources: Various – Linked Above
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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