One more glass of red wine with the in-laws? Go on then. Another shot, Tequila? No prob. We’re here to help with that thing called… a hangover.
Global (25 June 2021) – A hangover is a series of symptoms that usually occurs when a person consumes a large or even a small amount of alcohol.
According to science, hangovers occur when the blood alcohol level drops suddenly, which usually happens when a person drinks heavily the night before. Hangovers can also be a result of continuous stress.
So, to make your life easier, here are five steps, through which you can cure your hangover:
1. Keep yourself hydrated:
It is necessary to drink the optimum amount of water during this time because alcohol generally promotes urination. If your hangover symptoms include diarrhoea, nausea etc., then drinking water will help you prevent severe dehydration. After a long night out, it’s preferable to drink one glass of water at least before you go to bed. Drinking lukewarm ginger, lemon and honey water also helps in soothing some symptoms of the hangover.
2. Give it a taste of its own medicine:
As mentioned, hangovers occur as a result of sudden alcohol withdrawal from your body. So, according to some studies, having a small amount of alcohol can actually help in reducing these symptoms by decreasing the effects of the sudden withdrawal.
3. Work it out:
Science says that exercising can release a certain amount of endorphins which in turn increases oxygen flow to the brain, causing a boost in your mood. A walk or a run in the fresh air would help immensely in soothing your hangover.
4. Take up a healthy diet:
Eating a proper healthy meal can reinvigorate your body as a whole. Fruits like watermelon and banana contain a good amount of glucose which will help immensely with your hangover symptoms. In general, make sure you take in enough carbohydrates to sustain your body from dehydration.
5. Get some proper sleep:
Once you follow the above steps, the symptoms will start decreasing, and that is when you need to take some proper rest and sleep the remaining of the hangover off!
These are the five simple steps through which you can get over your hangover efficiently and naturally without the use of any artificial aids.