“Now that’s a naked farmer” is going viral for all the right reasons! A farmer in Australia stripped bare to celebrate a massive rain after drought
While we don’t love celebrating Australian wins when it comes to the rugby or the cricket, we just have to celebrate that the country has received some much-needed rainfall. Just like South Africa, parts of the country have been crippled by drought.
Farmers in Australia have had to face exactly the same problems of dying livestock and loss of crops as our farmers here in SA so it is really heartwarming to see one farmers reaction when they sky literally popped over-head and flooded the parched farm.
The drought is the worst in living memory and hit the east of Australia really hard. That part of the country is the main food bowl, producing wheat and barley crops as well as being a major grazing land area.
The excited farmer stripped bare and ran through the rain celebrating at it ran down his naked body. In the background a woman can be heard saying “Now that’s a naked farmer” and the internet can’t get enough.
The clip has been shared on water groups all over South Africa and many have expressed their joy for the happy farmer. While Australia might be our sporting nemesis, the comments on this video prove that we are always better together. We hope that Aus gets way more water and they start healing just like SA is doing.
You can watch the entertaining clip below.