Santa has been listed as an essential service in Ireland and given permission to enter the Irish airspace as well as the homes of excited children.
Ireland (08 December 2020) – Santa is probably the only person in the world who has a free pass when it comes to international travel restrictions these days. Earlier this year a spoof South African document was sent around the country explaining that the Easter Bunny was eggs-empt from the lockdown, now Santa has the same allowances.
Ireland’s parliament announced that Santa is an essential service and will be allowed to travel this Christmas without having to quarantine for fourteen days like the rest of us.
Simon Coveney, the Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs announced during a speech to parliament that they have been working on the issue for several months. Thankfully, the decision to allow Santa a free pass was unanimous.
Hopefully, other countries will follow Ireland’s example and give Santa permission to pass freely through their borders.
What Foreign Affairs minister Simon Coveney did make quite clear, is that Santa still has to adhere to social distancing protocols and it is this reason that children should remain in bed and let him get his job done without interruptions.
So this year, when you put out your milk and cookies for Santa, leave him a bottle of hand sanitiser too! Take a look at Ireland’s announcement below.