2000 adults aged 50 and up were asked which sounds took them down memory lane and a total of 40 sounds were chosen to trigger happy memories.
Global (13 September 2021) – We all have favourite smells and sounds that remind us of good times and happy memories. Like hot summer days with someone in the distance mowing the lawn or that break in the heat as a highveld storm rumbles in the distance.
Each memory is a moment to treasure forever! To find out which sounds were the most common memory triggers, a study was done on 2000 adults over 50 to see what they thought.
“Sound impacts most aspects of our lives, so it is no surprise that certain sounds trigger happy youthful memories.” -Gordon Harrison, chief audiologist at Specsavers, which commissioned the survey.
The survey found that the below sounds were the best at triggering happy memories. That leads the question, what is your favourite sound? Take a look at the top 40 below.
1. A specific song or piece of music
2. Waves crashing on the shore
3. Birdsong
4. A crackling fireplace
5. Walking on fresh snow
6. A waterfall
7. Cat purring
8. Trees blowing in the wind
9. Rain on the window pane
10. Rustling leaves
11. Church bells
12. Bees buzzing
13. A thunderstorm
14. Rain patter on leaves
15. Children playing outside
16. Lawns being mown
17. A fountain
18. The radio playing
19. Sheep baaing
20. Seagulls squawking
21. A train going over tracks
22. Cows mooing
23. A cork popping
24. Dinner being served up
25. Pouring a drink
26. Mail being delivered
27. Food cooking on the hob
28. Cicadas humming
29. Sports stadium/arena
30. The kettle boiling
31. An airplane flying overhead
32. A crowd cheering
33. Horses galloping
34. A beer bottle/tin being opened
35. Dog barking
36. Fish jumping out of water
37. Street entertainers
38. A toaster popping
39. A coffee grinder
40. A garden sprinkler