Port Elizabeth Homeless Hero Crowdfunding Good Cards

Chris Parker has been celebrated as the homeless hero for his courageous efforts in helping those at the Manchester Arena, over £25k has been raised for him.


Chris Parker regularly sat at the entrance of the Manchester Arena after the concerts hosted there. He did so in the hopes that people would give him food or money on their way out.

Chris was outside the Arena at the moment of the attack, he was blown off his feet as the doors flung open.

“Everyone was piling out, all happy and everything else. As people were coming out of the glass doors I heard a bang and within a split second I saw a white flash, then smoke and then I heard screaming,” 

“It knocked me to the floor and then I got up and instead of running away my gut instinct was to run back and try and help.

He was one of the first people to respond to the victims of the bomb. He recalls the horror of seeing the injured people. He sat and comforted a few people, sadly two woman had passed in his arms. He was so upset by the events of the evening!

“I haven’t stopped crying. The most shocking part of it is that it was a kids’ concert.”

The news in the UK reported on his bravery calling him the homeless hero, a viewer heard about it and decided that Chris deserved a little thanks for his bravery. Michael Johns started a crowdfund in Chris’s name and hoped to raise around £1000.

People have been really moved by Chris’s heroics, since the crowdfund was started it has raised a staggering £26,180 in just 21 hours! That will be more than enough to get him a fresh start in life.

Sources: Go Fund Me
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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