The Maletsatsi Foundation make a lot of happy stories possible. As a family that’s opened their home to children and babies who’ve faced circumstances no one should, they are everyday heroes! This month, they need a little sunshine. Here’s how to help!
Midrand, South Africa (21 July, 2023) — Children’s heroes like the Maletsatsi Foundation’s Tiffani Hein share a lot of happy stories. There are the special reunions between children and their parents after healing. The full-circle moments where the helped become helpers (which happened a few days ago!). And of course, there’s the biggest good story of all: knowing that many children have a kinder future ahead with far more soft landings than previous circumstances might’ve paved.
As a non-profit that takes in as many children as they can until the best homes are found, happiness runs through the Hein home. But, it isn’t always carefree. As Tiffany shares with a tired heart, some things “can’t be paid with hugs, love and purpose”.
This month has been a pretty tough month for the Maletsatsi Foundation. Amid court cases, doctor’s appointments and all the other tags that come with looking after many little humans, these helpers need a boost!
Right now, the coming days for the Foundation could use some sunshine to keep the happy stories possible.
How to help these Children’s Heroes!
To help instantly
Formula, milk, food and nappies will make all the difference in the world, as well as any funds that can be spared.
To help long term
You can virtually sponsor a child, their education or become a ‘worldwide weekly warrior’ for R50.
“I always hope it goes without saying that I do not draw a salary from the foundation, nor is our nuclear family dependant on the organisation to survive. Funds raised are for our children- period,” shares Tiffani.
Make a Donation
Banking Details:
The Maletsatsi Foundation NPC
FNB 62865881314
Cheque Account
Branch Code: 210835
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ